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More people should try, smoked, grilled and smoked Turkey legs especially Turkey Grill. Ever seen the legs, which they sell to cart vendor at Disney World? They are pretty good and one of my favorite treats at Disney. I liked them so much that I told my wife that we repeat to his feet at home. We have several attempts, but we have everything right, until he discovered the secret. The secret is brining. You have to marinate in the legs or in brine before storing inthe smoker.
Get juicy turkey leg is nearly foolproof, if it involves the crossing of the brine. It is also an opportunity to add additional flavors fruit juices, spices and sweeteners such as honey.
The other trick of the large leg of roasted turkey skin is crisp. A pin of the skin, you have to have dry skin (the moisture content of the brine is the skin) to get clay to make. Turkey has the legs to dry air for at least two hours, found the water just below the skin surface evaporates. RememberMake sure you put it in the refrigerator.
Using Apple or cherry wood for smoke snuff. The smoke is smooth and gives a light sweetness, Turkey legs.
As a precaution, wash and disinfect everything that comes into contact with raw poultry. Salmonella poisoning is no joke to be so careful.
Follow these steps to cook the perfect grilled smoked turkey leg:
1. Prepare your immersion in brine and pickled in brine legs. Use one of the wonderful recipesPoultry and let it stay in the brine for more than 4 hours.
2. Remove the legs from the brine, rinse and dry. The legs in the air dry in refrigerator for at least 2 hours. Rub your legs down with olive oil and season. You can simply seasoned with salt and pepper, or use a hook. There poultry rub several that make a delicious Turkey legs.
3. Prepare your smoker with lump of coal and stabilize the temperature in the range between 230 to 250 degrees. It takes about 35Turkey Legs minutes per pound for cooking, an internal temperature of 160 degrees.
4. As already mentioned, apple or cherry wood smoke are good choices for Turkey. You can also use hickory or oak for a heavy smoke flavor. I keep, Mesquite has a very strong aroma leaves a slightly bitter taste.
5. You will be a good time to read meat thermometer cooking the turkey leg bones to determine sure to check several sites and touch.
6.When we do the rest of the leg 15 minutes before serving.
Enjoy the barbeque smoked turkey leg!
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